23 October 2018
Eurasia Tunnel shortened the travel time from Koşuyolu on the Asian side of Istanbul to Kumkapı on the European side to 5 minutes, the fastest solution to change continents the city’s traffic since its inauguration on 22 December 2016, and now it sav
The construction of Eurasia Tunnel started in 2005 with the primary goal of facilitating the lives of Istanbulites and upon its completion by using the most advanced technology, it received the most reputable awards in its field while it saved a total of 23 million hours in the lives of Istanbulites in 2017 alone, and now the Eurasia Tunnel is offering a great ease not only in Istanbul’s heavy traffic, but also in toll payment.
The membership system which was launched on 20.09.2018 and where new features are still being worked out offers solutions to the users wishing to be informed about, and making quick payments for, the toll collections at the Eurasia Tunnel.
How does the membership system work at the Eurasia Tunnel?
The users of the Eurasia Tunnel who want to be informed about the toll collection can subscribe to the system within a matter of minutes. In the case of an illegal pass, subscribed users will learn about their outstanding payments before any penalty applies on them and they can quickly make their payments by using the system based on their plate number. The system which saves the corporate users from making separate query for each user also offers the possibility to monitor and pay for the illegal passes of the big fleets.
You can subscribe to Eurasia Tunnel via https://www.avrasyatuneli.com/uyelik/uye-girisi within a matter of minutes and start using it immediately.